Gluten Free Diets Help Control Diabetes



Gluten Free diets may be one of the healthiest diet/lifestyles changes that a Diabetic will make for themselves.
  Diabetics who are living a gluten free lifestyle are seeing a significant decrease in their blood sugar levels (BSL.) Combining a diet that is totally free from all forms of gluten and with a regular workout program and you should experience lower BSL, and an increased energy level and a much healthier outlook. 

Decrease Blood Sugar Levels

 Control Weight

Increased Energy = Healthier Lifestyle

 First you have to understand what gluten is: Gluten is a protein that is found in grains, this particular gluten protein cannot be digested by people suffering with Celiac disease. The gluten free diet was created to help the millions of people that have Celiac disease, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Diabetes & Wheat Allergies.

Finding foods and recipes that are free from wheat, barley, rye, bulgur, semolina, farina, kasha, matzo meal, and oats can be a problem at times. (Oats are not gluten harmful, however they are frequently processed in the same factories as wheat. Look for gluten-free labels on all oat packages) Gluten can be found in food additive that stabilize and thicken foods that are processed including many alcoholic beverages. For those with Celiac, IBS and Allergies the gluten free diet is a total commitment to being 100% gluten free. 

Learn Simple Secrets to Successful Gluten-Free Cooking!

Finding gluten free foods and recipes that my whole family would eat three meals a day was a challenge until I read about a former executive chef and owner of a 100% gluten-free, sugar-free, low-glycemic, organic, allergy-friendly restaurant, who compiled all her recipes into a delicious gluten-free cookbook. My family was won over by the desserts!

The large majority of people on gluten free diets, know that the gluten diet is not an either/or lifestyle it is a commitment to a way of eating. For me as a diabetic, I find that gluten free eating has allowed me more control with my diabetes and I have been able to reduce my diabetes medications.

I Discovered a new world of Yummy, Satisfying recipes

that are Simple to Cook and Enjoyable eat,

PLUS these Recipes passed the Family Test!

For further information on Gluten Free recipes I would invite you to check out this fantastic cookbook
with 95 pages of  Delicious Gluten-Free Recipes!

Bon Appetite!